• Intuition is an ability we all have to perceive information from beyond our brain. Unlike your brain, that is often emotionally charged and inaccurate, your intuition is highly accurate and is emotionally neutral. Intuition is always available to you and aligns you with your highest good.

  • Our physical bodies, emotions and mental thought patterns all exist on an energetic level. When there is something holding us back in our lives or something we need to heal, it first originates in our energy system. Energy Healing is about bringing our awareness to our energy, which allows deep healing and positive transformations to occur in our lives.

  • Mediumship is the ability we all have to communicate back and forth with souls who have left the physical reality. Our loved ones who have crossed are eager to help us with our present circumstances and communicate. They now have a greater perspective that makes understanding how to navigate the physical realm simpler and fun.

  • We are made up of and surrounded by particles vibrating information. When we are able to completely still our minds and raise the vibration in our bodies, we can receive an astounding amount of information uninterrupted. An Intuitive is someone who practices stillness so they can use this skill in all aspects of their life.

  • Through practice and patience, I have learned how to receive highly accurate information from beyond my brain. I can turn “on” a screen in my mind that shows me the information. Usually I see colors and images around my clients. Sometimes a loved one will come in and I can see them and communicate clear as day.

  • The intention for each session is your Highest Good. A session begins with Emma making notes about your energy centers. This information guides whether we focus on receiving information for your life, energy work, mediumship or a combination. You may ask questions at any time.

  • The best way to prepare for a session is to take some quiet time beforehand to tune into your energy. How are you feeling? What are you hoping to get out of this session? Write down any specific questions you may have and prepare to be in a quiet and comfortable space for our time together.

  • All of us have intuitive abilities. Becoming more intuitive is about creating a relationship with the nonphysical world. Some things that can help with this are having a meditative practice, being in nature and doing things that bring your joy. Over time you learn how to listen to your inner guidance and follow it to your most joyful, abundant life!

    If you would like to expand your intuitive abilities, join the next 7-week Intuitive Method Online Course!

  • When we choose to come to Earth, we choose a team of guides to accompany us throughout every experience of the physical reality. They work with our soul to help us learn the lessons we wanted to learn on Earth. During a session, your spirit guides work with me to bring forward the guidance and information that is a priority for you at this time.